[edit, 6 dec 2011, see update for semi-working-ness: http://www.orangenarwhals.com/?p=161]
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board layout |
mmm, fab’d a terribly board together for persistence of vision yoyo so now I can start on code.
charlieplex and basic hello world rgb led, c, attiny44 and 45 respectively
C cheat sheet
http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/C%20Reference%20Card%20(ANSI)%202.2.pdf & http://claymore.engineer.gvsu.edu/~steriana/226/C.CheatSheet.pdf
eagle brd and sch on github
charlieplexing with arduino libraries
hello world
olopede code (not charlieplexed)
tom’s nanopov code (charlieplexed, in assembly)
ladyada code
gui gode, attin2313, has gui
assembly: avr instruction sets
led documentation
mmm instructables (attiny85, charlieplexing)
my own notes on make commands
real time clocks (for hat alarm clock)
http://attiny.com/avrclock.htm (attiny26)