wow what a lot of blog posts lately
i am not doing well at a lot of things I should be, but here are some pictures (since I do not use facebook, I guess this is now my facebook)
goals progress: going poorly wow!! 🙁 the only thing that has progressed but too slowly is my runs… :'( I will write a research blog post in the morning and evening maybe. even my chars learned is going backwards :'( it’s REALLY rough going now, I think the last 1k characters are going to be a slog. I’ve switched back to drama watching / bbc chinese reading in the hopes of hitting more of the last 1k words so that I can actually have any hope of remembering them. If I don’t know any of the terms they’re in, I don’t feel like I’ve really learned them. Maybe I should memorize the pronunciation first at this rate. yea
so through no work of my own there is good news (getting vaccinated monday, and getting paid?!) but in terms of progress… it’s bad. I got stuck on ethics again. the current conclusion is: work on spatiotemporal analysis of the IMBs. then for longer term investigate it from the labor side, by reaching out to other people (academics etc.) working on it from this perspective; so health services perspective primarily.