Pandemic Diary #88 – whewww end-of-term + lots of travel (03 Jan 2022)

wow i don’t even remember when i last blogged, but some things that happened this semester:

  • passed my quals ! ! ! !!!!! !! !!!!!!
  • completed my theory class, wrote an agent-based modelling simulator for banking data
  • misc. new england travels
  • misc. roommate activities
  • a ton of end-of-year travel

misc. travel: cape cod, the new england aquarium

end of year travel: drove from boston down to GA and back (2000+ miles), saw the georgia aquarium (so cool!!!!), wandered around washington dc postal museum, then flew out and did a whole tour across the Yucatan area of Mexico to see Mayan ruins (and flamingos, and the seaside, where I got stung by jellyfish and ripped off a few times, but also lost more money losing things overall…) and visit the costco there (!). and finally spent a day or two with my cat and got the my home lasercutter running

looking forward to: maybe doing a side project? though I did take a solid 10 days off work essentially. and really getting going on my research projects (drop my expectations!), and starting a new chapter of my life post-graduation???

wow life is going to be so relaxing without teaching, classwork, and quals I hope. just internship and research. maybe i’ll have time to learn to cook, and can have my parents over for dinner instead of the other way around.

okay actually i should be trying to write most of a thesis in 62 days but yeaaaaa we’ll see !

here’s a picture of my parents riding a bike in cozumel which is a cozy island kinda near cancun (the state it’s in is more disorderly in feeling than merida)

and the traitorous dictionary entree for instant noodles… i think it’s just called sopa in spanish, or in my case i called it “maruchen” lollll

fried pumpkin cakes – a three ingredient dessert

i had a lot of pumpkin cakes when i went to china, 南瓜饼

around pumpkin season in the US (you know when the pumpkin spice starts appearing), I started having cravings

pics from 2 Oct 2021
the three ingredients

I followed recipe from

basically, 400g puree, 300g glutinous rice flour (from market basket), 40g sugar, mix it all together, divide into patties and fry

note 1: fold flour in a bit at a time

note 2: though in my case I used more rice flour than 300g because it was too sticky (I think the canned puree is more watery than IRL puree?),

here’s some pictures of my process

note: you can see different variations of the recipe in chinese here

virtual environment python not found / can’t be selected on vs code

quick note to self:

for my environment I usually set it up in a random folder (most people seem to set it up in ~/.env) and vscode has difficulty finding it

(in which case it keeps saying “Running cell with Python xxxx 64-bit requires ipykernel package” since I only install my packages in my virtualenv)

Here is how I solved it:

Put in the User settings (in this case I’m working remotely (via remote ssh extension) but applies locally too)

And then put a defaultInterpreterPath into the settings

    // "python.pythonPath": "~/v3/bin/python",
    "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true,
    "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "~/v3/bin/python",

And then it shows up when I change the kernel (see third option):


May require a .vscode folder (with empty settings.json) in the parent repository?

projects blog (nouyang)