Pandemic Diary #26 – AHHH!

Just slowly eeking down tenths of percentages from Trump’s count. Will GA flip Blue?? Will Perdue and Ossoff go to a runoff??

Who knows, but seems like I’ll be vote “curing” all day tomorrow!

On that note, time to sleep. Battled python2 vs python3 conversion all day today to little success.

Pandemic Diary #25b – AHHHHH?

Whew lads what a ride

Michigan and Wisconsin called for Biden – was looking so shady all through 10am or something. Which improves situation a bit. Also Florida passed $15 minimum wage!

And Georgia is STILL in the air!! Oh god. 9pm is the next update. Biden is behind but the remaining counts are likely heavily Democrat… One Senate seat to runoff. Maybe the second one can go too if we get it below 50% ??

Signed up for ballot curing — helping people get their ballots counted, who had any issues & need to submit pictures of ID + affidavit.

Pandemic Diary #25 – Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Man, I was right to get the blog back into a working state (behind the scenes, on the server side – i broke SSH access even though the site was up, had to restore from snapshot).

And also I read so much about the blue/red shift but I didn’t think it would matter so never considered how it would feel emotionally. And boy. I need to stop myself from checking every 10 minutes but it’s so hard.

Michigan started out way behind… now it is competitive. Looked like a goner when I went to sleep.

I guess we are only upset since polls said there would be a landslide even with some polling error. But there is clearly not. It seems dubious we will win back a Senate majority.

My county in GA had issues counting absentee and we are majority Dem county. So I can’t precisely say I’m holding out hope but holding despair at bay is how I feel about it.

I did at least learn how the vote counting process looks like!!

Philadelphia City Commissioners Live Stream

Right now I think there is still hope for Biden presidency, but less for a Senate majority. Also slim chance of breaking trifecta at state level in GA – I didn’t realize the state level candidates were being outraised so badly at the state level, I should’ve donated more. State legislature controls re-districting and how un-democratic things are for the next decade I guess (at the federal house of rep level I think? Not sure).

Really does feel like the backsliding of the United States.

And tired! So tired!! Warnock vs Loeffler going to the runoff is not great news – combined repub is ~50+% while Warnock is at ~30 or 40%. So yea. I will have to keep fighting.

I guess if it is two Senate seats / deciding Senate majority (though only for two years…) I would feel somewhat like I ought to pitch in completely. I think the 2 or 3 days… did not run through the tape. I’m not sure what’s up with my county Dem party.

It feels overwhelming! Why do I have to care? How did we end up here where rights we won in half a century ago are in danger (Roe vs Wade, the repeat of the Voting Rights Act)?

Fingers crossed that my district goes Dem at the house of rep level. But we have no idea… too close. Too close = could actually go either way, and that is just messed up when there are over 230,000 DEAD Americans. I blame the rich’s funding of the media, but I have no idea anymore.

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