fellowships and stochastic processes (don’t be intimidated; apply to as many as possible)

i didn’t try hard to apply to hertz this year, which is kind of a shame in retrospect.

i was a bit intimidated by the whole “we give out 15 fellowships a year,” because no way am I in the “top 15” in the nation.

however, after the deadline passed, i thought about it and realized. these super selective fellowships are all stochastic and random, and the only thing to do is to apply to as many as possible. once you get down to a list of 100 or 200 or however many people, getting down to the final 15 people is inherently a random noisy process. there’s no real way to pick between candidates at that point. and since humans make the final decisions, there is a strange probability distribution that has many possible factors deciding its shape, e.g. how long it has been since the judges ate lunch.

so, the lesson I learned is, do not be intimidated by how how “selective” the fellowship is, or its “acceptance rate.” but simply apply to as many as possible.

applying to soros was strange. for me and the 2 or 3 other people i talked to, we grew up and spent our whole lives in america in fairly well-off conditions, and felt as american as apple pie. and while it was fun for me to think about all the things that made my life growing up different, and i enjoyed reflecting on all the stories of hardships my parents went through and how they pulled through. but, these were not my stories, and these were not my struggles. and more importantly, for the fellowship, i was not writing a personal essay reflection on my growth, but rather convincing strangers that i held promise and was worthy of funding.

i do not understand my essay writing process or how to make it go faster or take up less time. i need to figure out how not to get stuck on a task and prioritize it so much that i’m not able to switch to other tasks. it’s a strong component, i think, of how hard i’m struggling in grad school. likely it’s caused me great grief in my jobs as well, but in grad school it’s very easy to measure in completed problem sets and weekly milestones which are solely dependent on my own working style.

it turns out i am friends with a hertz fellow who applied several years ago, and friends-of-friends with two soros fellows. it’s too late for hertz — you can only apply pre-grad school or your first year — but, perhaps for other fellowships…

a few fellowships in CS (my friend has some part-time work compiling this)


a few generous fellowships have passed with focused on fields i’m unacquainted with and could not immediately (in a week) write a research proposal around. i hate trend-following, but i must admit, when there’s so much money being thrown at e.g. machine learning and AI, and fellowships are so crucial to me, it’s hard to turn my nose.

some pictures from my first few weeks of grad school

I’m taking CS283 Computer Vision, and CS182 Intro to AI, and doing a 299r with Prof. Lucas Janson on motion planning algorithms in robotics.
(and the colloquium class, of course, and dr. girash’s teaching practicum).

My lack of linear algebra is really destroying me in computer vision.

There are some pros about an expensive dining plan: there was all-you-can-eat sweet potato souffle at Dudley dining hall this week… and there was apple cobbler two weeks ago (almost as good as peach cobbler)

Other highlights:

I discovered Kanopy, where as a Harvard student, I can watch a lot of movies for free. For instance!! I could watch http://harvard.kanopystreaming.com/video/super-cute-animals Super Cute Animals
The Science of Adorable Animals BBC Harvard

Students also have free access to the Harvard Cinema. I’m going to watch Three Sisters this weekend. My grandma lived there, and I spent two summers in Yunan’s capital, Kunming (which is no doubt very different than rural Yunan!) hcl.harvard.edu/hfa/films/2017sepnov/wang.html#three


work pictures

CS283 (intro to computer vision) — Pset 2 (metric rectification)

CS283_pest2 CS283_pset2_whiteboard

CS182 (into to artifical intelligence) — Pset 2 . Search  (Pacman!)

Screenshot from 2017-09-30 01-18-31 Screenshot from 2017-09-30 01-18-44 Screenshot from 2017-09-30 01-19-55

CS 283 — Pset 3 (camera matrices and binocular rectification)Screenshot from 2017-09-29 13-11-14 Screenshot from 2017-09-29 14-00-07

My own implementation of the RRT algorithm (rapidly expanding random trees) in Julia: collision checking issues, two runs, and a graph of how the solution path cost decreases with more iterations (aka if you find a path, you find a better path on average if you run more iterations). Although, it seems to converge not on what you might expect is about the optimal path cost (20* sqrt(2) = 28). And why would the optimal path cost decrease with more iterations, if the algorithm stops right when we find a solution? Hmm. I need to make more plots.

Screenshot from 2017-09-26 05-35-30 Screenshot from 2017-09-26 06-34-58 Screenshot from 2017-09-26 08-01-33 Screenshot from 2017-09-28 22-10-02


life pictures

my desk


apple cobbler with cherry ice cream

fancy career fair free food: kumquats!

my first pizza box obtained as free food (from fellowships information event)pizza

sunset from my lab on the third floor




peach cobbleerrrrr peach cobbler whooo

robot socks! (no, I didn’t get any, I saw this between classes)nvisdiasocks

a gallery of androgyny

=== gallery and links for reference  ==

this kpop-looking picture, not sure who, possibly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Ji-hoon











and bieber is pretty androgynous too o.o i guess he’s like an american version of a kpop boy band star?




(I can’g find the name of this model :/)

go sang gil


Ruby Rose


=== model & beauty industry ===

Trends: http://www.fashionising.com/trends/b–androgyny-androgynous-fashion-22284.html

Chris Lee https://models.com/work/vogue-china-chris-lee/638991

 Liz Collins - Photographer Paolo Zagoreo - Fashion Editor/Stylist Kota Suizu - Hair Stylist Chisato Yamamoto - Manicurist Chris Lee - Entertainer

Liz Collins – Photographer
Paolo Zagoreo – Fashion Editor/Stylist
Kota Suizu – Hair Stylist
Chisato Yamamoto – Manicurist
Chris Lee – Entertainer


Source: http://assets.vogue.com/photos/5964fb3a78e1b7449174391f/master/w_960,c_limit/06-gigi-hadid-zayn-malik-vogue-cover-august-2017.jpg

There’s a smart, if unexpected, balance between an urban aviator jacket and wildly eclectic printed pajamas. On Gigi: Louis Vuitton jacket, top, pants, and pant chain. Hermès belt. On Anwar: Louis Vuitton pajama set. Haider Ackermann tank top. Jill Platner necklace.Photographed by Inez and Vinoodh, Vogue, August 2017
There’s a smart, if unexpected, balance between an urban aviator jacket and wildly eclectic printed pajamas. On Gigi: Louis Vuitton jacket, top, pants, and pant chain. Hermès belt. On Anwar: Louis Vuitton pajama set. Haider Ackermann tank top. Jill Platner necklace.Photographed by Inez and Vinoodh, Vogue, August 2017

Brittenelle Fredericks at DuckDuckGo

Brittenelle Fredricks

Go Sang Il (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Go+Sang+Il&t=canonical&iax=1&ia=images)

Taiwan: Mintairline. Look at that haircut.

Source: www.itomboys.com/taiwanese-tomboy-mintairline-update-part-2.html
Source: www.itomboys.com/taiwanese-tomboy-mintairline-update-part-2.html

? Lee Zin

Shane McCutcheon (played by Katherine Moennig)

Katherine Moennig (pinterest)
Katherine Moennig (pinterest)
Katherine Moennig (pinterest)
Katherine Moennig (pinterest)

Madison Paige


esther quek


(apparently “top formal outfit for tom boys” ?)



Chelsea Watcher

check out the brow makeup (chelsea watcher):



for the 2nd part of this post, see the post backdated to the date of this post minus a year (so set in 2016).

projects blog (nouyang)