Cinnamon 2.4.5 & Ubuntu 14.04: stop it from crashing & battery notification fixes (xmobar, cronjob, notify-send), fix pidgin

Cinnamon is a “desktop manager” that is visually similar to Gnome 2 while incorporating new features from Gnome 3. It does not have an official Ubuntu package.

key features

these are the reasons why I don’t use whatever came with Ubuntu 14.04 and sink time into my own setup

  • Edge Tiling and Snapping: I can drag a window to the sides tile it, or use Win-[arrowkeys]
  • Workspaces and hot corners: Allow me to add more workspaces, title them. Using cinnamon-settings, I put my hotcorner in the bottom right
  • Switching windows: If I have a lot open, “Expo view” lets me see open windows quickly (ctrl-alt-down)
  • Built-in panel applications: Supports the normal stuff (tomboy notes, pidgin, volume, notifications) as well as custom applications (pomodoro timer, timer). Cinnamon panel has its own “app store”-like interface (I don’t show it here) where you can add other people’s applications painlessly
  • Top panel (cinnamon panel): Shows me which windows are open in my current workspace
  • Big frequently-used icons: Using docky, I put my most frequently used applications to the left side and can easily see how many instances of each application I have open across all my workspaces
  • Search across applications: Similar to Windows 7, I can type in a keyword and Cinnamon Start Menu will pull up the appropriate program, so I don’t have to hunt for the command-line name for infrequently used programs

stop crashing

A few days ago, I accidentally updated my cinnamon install. I thereby spent the next half-day hating myself.

I had been using the nightly package from Gwendal Le Bihan. Upon closer inspection, that repo was discontinued. I tried to follow to upgrade my Cinnamon to a newer version, but cinnamon still flat-out refused to start (“Cinnamon crashed, would you like to restart Cinnamon?”).

Eventually, I installed Gnome 3 in a fit of trying out desktop environments that would be “good enough.”

$ sudo apt-get install gnome-session

When I rebooted, I no longer had any gnome options to select from, although the “user login” screen had definitely turned into some gnome 3 thing. But I could select cinnamon and it no longer crashed!

what. -___- Oh, the woes of linux customizations.


Upgrading did fix things. I no longer get lots of “Ubuntu detected an error in your system” pop-ups when I reboot. Tomboy appears in the panel again (yay!! I really like Tomboy). There is a “hotcorners” GUI editor now. Oh, and I have pidgin tray icon, except I have manually toggle it on and off for it show up instead of a blank space 🙁 (see

EDIT: I fixed pidgin system tray notifications! Cinnamon > Panel Settings > Check “Use customized panel size”  & “Allow scale icons”. My top panel is set at the default font size.

If that doesn’t work for you, try this: I can confirm that editing the icons in “/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/tray/hicolor/16×16/status” changes the icons in cinnamon’s status bar.

Sadly, restarting is still slower than it should be, and feels even slower now. I swear when I first installed the SSD my boot-time was at least 5 seconds faster, which may not sound like much, but makes rebooting feel a lot less painful (for instance, when switching between Windows and Ubuntu, because **** xbees and their windows-only gargantun XCTU, that’s why)

My wifi will suddenly die for no reason, and I have to

$ sudo restart network-manager

Cinnamon itself will freeze sometimes, I haven’t figured out why. Then I have to Ctrl-Alt-F1, log-in, and run

$ sudo killall Xorg

My suspend still doesn’t work, so I just shut-down the computer (the fan is loud and I have perhaps forty minutes of battery life).

Shutting down takes on the order of a minute :/ I want to leave already. Also, my zombie computer’s fan keeps going & hard-drive monitor LED keeps going for several seconds after my screen blanks out on shutdown… :/

Worst of all, power management no longer worked. Not only did the battery indicator not update, my laptop would just instantly die with no warning when it ran out of battery.

This is because Cinnamon switched how it checked battery status:

This looked promising, but I could not get anything to show up in my Cinnamon panel bar:

version info

$ cinnamon --version
Cinnamon 2.4.5
$ lsb_release -a
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
$ gnome-session --version
$ docky
Docky version: 2.2.0 Release

create battery status indicator

This was straight-forward-ish. I used another program entirely,  xmobar.

$ sudo apt-get install xmobar

Cinnamon does not respect keeping xmobar on top (windows will cover xmobar), so I just stuck it behind my semi-transparent Docky (Theme: HUD), since Cinnamon never tries to cover up docky. Hence, the “fixed-width bottom left” position. I increased the font-size (to 20).

full battery
full battery. 100% = percent remaining, f = fully charged

Then there’s a mess of battery commands — basically, defining the colors when high, normal, or low battery, defining the thresholds (% remaining) for high, normal, or low battery, and then defining the “acstatus” (charging/discharging status) characters — I chose “-!” to indicate discharging, “f” to indicate full battery, and “+” to indicate charging (xmobar does not support fancy unicode arrows by default).

The template goes “battery percent left” and then “acstatus”.

$ cat ~/.xmobarrc 
Config { font = "-*-Fixed-Bold-R-Normal-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, position = BottomW L 3
, bgColor = "black"
, fgColor = "#f3f3f3"
, commands = [ 
 Run Battery ["-t", "<left><acstatus>"
 , "-L","49","-H","75","--high","green","--normal","yellow","--low","red"
 , "--", "-o", "-!", "-O", "+", "-i", "f"
 , "-f", "ADP1/online" ] 20
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "%battery% "

The last “template” line just adds a “space” after the battery template is rendered.

Oh, about the -f option, that’s another possibly ubuntu-specific or laptop specific thing…

Q: In the git version of src/Plugins/Monitors/Batt.hs , in the haveAc function, we try to find out whether the computer is on AC power by checking “/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online” . On some computers this is instead located in “/sys/class/power_supply/ADP1/online”.

A: i’ve added a new config argument (-f) to specify the online file.

While you’re setting this up, you can use

upower -d

to check your battery state manually.

Finally, add xmobar to startup: Ubuntu comes with “startup application preferences” GUI. Click “Add” and put in command “xmobar”. Done!

create low battery warning

example notify-send notification
example notify-send notification

Thanks to Essentially, I use notify-send to pop-up a low-battery notification using a shell script that I run every 5 minutes using a cron job.

It turns out cron hates notify-send so this ate up way too much time.

(I think crontab -e does persist across reboots by default, fortunately). I followed several guides, I’m not sure what exactly fixed it in the end, but here is my full setup for running the checker every 5 minutes:

$ crontab -e

*/5 * * * * sh /home/nrw/.notify-send_setup
*/5 * * * * sh /home/nrw/.battnotif

$ cat .notify-send_setup

touch $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus
chmod 600 $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus
env | grep DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS > $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus
echo 'export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS' >> $HOME/.dbus/Xdbus

exit 0

$ cat .battnotif

export DISPLAY=:0

if [ -r "$HOME/.dbus/Xdbus" ]; then
    . "$HOME/.dbus/Xdbus"

battery_level=`acpi -b | grep -P -o '[0-9]+(?=%)'`

# I tried to only notify when not charging, but could not get it to work
# STATUS=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/ADP1/online)
# if [ $battery_level -le 15 ] && [ $STATUS == "0" ]

if [ $battery_level -le 15 ]
    /usr/bin/notify-send -u critical "Battery low" "Battery level is ${battery_level}%!"
    echo 'batt low' >> /home/nrw/cron.log

echo 'ran batt' >> /home/nrw/cron.log

Make sure to chmod +x the bash scripts.

boston winter 2015: it snowed a lot.

snopocalypse? snowmaggedon?

Jan 27 2015 snow
Jan 27 2015 snow

Here in Boston, it didn’t snow at all the last few months, and then suddenly it snowed a lot (90” over the last 30 days).

Here are some sweet graphs from Samuel Lillo
Source: Samuel Lillo
Source: Samuel Lillo

On the plus side, I’ve now met my neighbors (since they’re outside shoveling for hours). At this point, we just throw the snow up as high as we can onto piles of snow. There’s nowhere to shovel to snow to…

when the snowbanks are higher than you, where do you shovel snow to?

I’ve also made new friends and spent quality time with my roommates. We all co-work, since everyone is working from home because our city cannot handle the snow. *


* I come from Georgia. My Boston friends were laughing last year about Atlanta shutting down due to a few inches of snow. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW HUH? 😛 My Alaskan friends tell me our Boston snowfall is normal for them, but their cities are built to handle it.

Here is a large icicle.


It later fell and broke the railing/steps on our side-access porch. o__o Apparently, falling icicles do kill people. I’m glad no one died from our icicles.

Here are some more pictures of my poor bike. <3 bike, I will spend $$ and give you a professional tune-up after winter is over.


Biking in boston is a struggle right now. The major streets are passable, but all the bike racks are very buried. For instance, at wework south station, they admonished me for locking to the railing I didn’t need to step in chest-high snow to reach. To add insult to injury, when I got out of work the railing was blocked anyway by trash bags. :/

bike at work on top of bike racks
bike at work on top of bike racks that are buried in snow

Here is my bike after the valentine’s weekend snowstorm. i left it overnight on top of a snowpile in order to lock it to something. When I left, I had a “where did I lock up?” moment. It was well-camouflaged.


here are some pictures from my friends

mt. albany street snow farm

mt. mit, mt. simmons, mt. albany
back when it was “just” 3.5 stories tall.

mt. mit, mt. simmons, mt. albany, mt. cambridge, who knows

view from the top
view from the top


There were some silly snow vehicles: fansled aka meloncraft, ebike-ski, and scooter-ski

For technical details / build reports, see

around the web

our mayor is flummoxed

Walsh: “I don’t know what to say to anybody anymore. Hopefully it will stop eventually”

Turns out the National Weather Service meteorologists are humans and not computers





(i wonder why they have ellipses… AND ALL CAPS… is it for maritime radio, which I’ve now spent hours listening to … for their text-to-speech synthesizer… trivia, maritime radio weather reports have three voices since 2002… here are some voice samples via NOAA “Voice Improvement Processor” … listening to it brings up salty memories for me)

weather is happening

He just appeared on WMBR too. at 24 mins in. If you want your daily dose of Angry Boston Weather Preacher Dude.

train through snow

everyday i’m shovelling

MBTA quick reference map


Note: I dug out some of this from

highway signs with a boston accent

Source: 5wcvb ABS news?
Source: 5wcvb ABS news?

build a snow igloo, then rent it out on airbnb?

Screenshot from 2015-02-17 00:54:51

PSA: Be careful. Turns out collapsing snow caves can kill you by asphyxiation. This happens when snow plows don’t realize it’s a snow cave instead of a snow bank and dump tons of snow on top of your cave. Then you die. So make sure to stick a flag with a picture of a human on top of your snow cave, and don’t make it on the side of the street.

weather forecasts

predicting the future is hard. here are some good websites to help you (great UI, graphs temperature forecast for you and you can hover over it for instance to check out the likelihood it will be raining at 1pm on Tuesday)

Add Media (links to the national weather forecast broadcasts)

Screenshot from 2015-02-16 23:37:42 (comes with webcams! very clean and detailed) (if you like a dose of snarky with your forecast) SNOBLOBS

here is a narwhal on a narwhal

to end on a happier note, here is some cuteness for you

narwhals on narwhals
narwhals on narwhals

step-by-step: greasemonkey script to remove UI elements for screenshots


I wanted to consistently remove the top navbar (here in purple) on a website for some GUI documentation I’m working on (yep, for Arvados). Basically, the purple navbar doesn’t add any useful info and takes up limited real-estate in my screenshots.

Screenshot from 2015-02-06 21:30:51

My initial method was to delete it using chrome / firefox’s powerful built-in inspector tools. ctrl-shift-c brings them up.

Screenshot from 2015-02-06 21:31:49

After selecting the correct div, I can just hit del and it will delete that section of code, thus removing the navbar. (control-z to undo if you delete the wrong section). However, this doesn’t persist across refreshes/clicks to other pages.

enter greasemonkey

Firefox >

Restart firefox.

Now, we just write two lines of javascript to remove the navbar (you can also test this javascript out in the ctrl-shift-c Firefox Developer Tools by going to “Console” and then “JS” and entering in lines of code there). I used this script as a template. Simply specify where the script should apply & then which div to remove.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Arvados: Remove Top Navbar
// @namespace nouyang
// @description Removes the div in front of the image
// @include*
// @version 0.0.1
// ==/UserScript==


Save as “removenav.user.js

UPDATE 31 July 2015: To explain a bit further, the extension “.user.js” is special to Greasemonkey. Also, the “@include”  line indicates what domain / URLs / pages this particular script should be active on.

According to their manual, I just need to visit any “.user.js” file in my browser and Greasemonkey will offer to install it. Sure enough, drag-and-drop the file into Firefox or enter it into your Firefox location bar


and greasemonkey offers to install it. Bam! Done. Make sure greasemonkey is enabled and that you haven’t made typos (for instance, http vs https) and then if you visit your website, the div should be gone.


projects blog (nouyang)