I went shopping afterward and lost my vax card (typical), the pharmacy person was kind enough to print another.
barely felt it going in. I think I was expecting blood drawing kinda pain. after a sleep, it’s definitely feeling a bit sore.
took a full hour + change. got there on time for 5:15, but pharmacy was super busy, waited in line for 10 mins to sign forms, then another 5 mins to get the shot, then hanging around another 15 mins on my phone, then shopping for 20 mins. (ALL THE ICE CREAM + lox). was at 15 mins drive away.
wow I hadn’t just wandered around shopping by myself in a while. got some. money for real life things almost feels unreal now… costco is a once-a-month deal and I already know where everything is and what to get.
daily schedule: 8:30am wake up and feed the cat (decided almost entirely automated cat feeding was not as good for bonding / didn’t show my cat I cared enough). watch the birds, then water the tomatoes, then feed the birds, then the squirrel, then feed myself.
eyeing adopting a second cat. the two cats I really liked from last week are gone already, including an old black cat. She was 11, and long hair, so I hesitated, but she likes to sit your lap and hang out… It’s good that she’s found a home already.
feeling fortunate, but life hasn’t changed much, and I don’t intend it to. I’m really conservative with any possibility of spreading COVID.
sleepy. time to start the workday