All posts by nouyang

Bulk adding videos to youtube playlist (well, at least adding them faster)

I’ve occasionally wanted to add a lot of videos at once to a youtube playlist.

Usually, this is super annoying since it takes a bunch of mouse presses to just added one video, and you can’t even used keyboard shortcuts (like hitting TAB and then enter).

Add videos -> URL -> enter URL -> Add video.

Repeat for each video, and every single one of those requires you to move your mouse around. You have to wait a bit each time too as the page reloads with your new video on it.

I found a shortcut so that it’s annoying, but slightly less annoying. In this method, you open the modal to add a video, then instead of opening and closing the modal, you can just copy-paste-click to add all your videos. Specifically, this adds them to your “watch later” list. Then you can go to your watch later playlist, click “add all to playlist”, and add them to your desired playlist.

A bit convoluted to explain, but really easy in practice, and so much faster than the old process.

Open up the playlist editor as usual, then entire a URL. Click the “clock” icon.

youtube-1The “clock” should change into a “check mark”. Then you can paste in the next URL (without having to exit the modal) and proceed to add all videos.

youtube-2Finally, go to your “watch later” playlist


Note: If your “watch later” list already has a bunch of videos that you want to keep,

  •   you can create a temporary playlist “temp playlist”.
  • Then on your “watch later” list, click the three dots, and add all of the existing videos to the new “temp playlist”.
  • Then, go to edit the “temp playlist” and click the three dots, then click `add all to` and un-check the `watch later` playlist. this will remove the videos from your `Watch Later` playlist

youtube-4After you are done bulk-adding videos to your other playlist (say `cool playlist`), you can uncheck playlist `Watch later` from “add all to” list. This’ll remove the new videos of your list from the `Watch Later` list and leave it empty. Finally, go back to your `temp playlist` and click “add all to” `Watch later`.

Wow, that was a mouthful, but hopefully it should make sense.

Getting started with AprilTags on Ubuntu 16.04

I recently started working with April tags, since they seem cool & you see them all over the place (used as fiducials for robots trying to walk around a somewhat unstructured environment).


the internet fell short (feel free to skip this section)

It was surprisingly hard to find instructions to get started, my search-fu was failing me. My search results turned up the original “official” website from the April Robotics Laboratory at University of Michigan,

This had no “getting started” instructions on it. Same for the C++ wrapper by a researcher at CSAIL (now a professor who I met at CMU!)

And same for the ROS wrapper around the Apriltags, which also confusingly seems to have several version that may or may not now be the same. and

(oh wait neat, there are instructions at However, I’m still not terribly familiar with ROS, so I wasn’t too enthused about using this wrapper.

Fortunately Patrick over at Kuindersma’s lab above me was able to get me started.

getting started

  1. Download and install C++ wrapper as per instructions at
    See below:
  2. sudo apt-get install subversion cmake libopencv-dev libeigen3-dev libv4l-dev
    sudo port install pkgconfig opencv eigen3
    svn co
    cd apriltags
  3. Yay, now a window pops open (see “troubleshooting” if it doesn’t, as was the case for me) with a video stream. But we need tags for it to recognize!

Getting tags

I actually found this pretty annoying, the zipped files on those sites give you a thousand options and it’s not clear which ones will work. So for me, I actually had my friend give me four tags that definitely work.

ID = #0 #1 #6 and #7 tags.

  1. Print out tag
  2. Run
  3. Now stick the tag in front of your camera. In the videostream you should now see a circle. In the terminal you should now see data streaming out.
  4. The data display shows distance (from the camera to the tag), the xyz location of the center of the tag, as well as the roll, pitch, and yaw. These coordinates will depend on which side you put pointing up when you pasted the tag on, so beware.  In fact, none of the data should be taken as absolute until you calibrate your camera.
2 tags detected: 
Id: 1 (Hamming: 0) distance=0.079741m, x=0.000532, y=0.006102, z=-1.487915, yaw=-0.134615, pitch=0.071828, roll=-0.041146
Id: 7 (Hamming: 0) distance=0.079741m, x=0.000532, y=0.006102, z=-1.487915, yaw=-0.134615, pitch=0.071828, roll=-0.041146
14.9312 fps
Two apriltags
Example output

calibrate camera

I wandered for a while lost in the lands of

Fortunately, eventually I found my way to a python library that made the whole process super simple. I ignored the above link (to official openCV docs) entirely. Instead, I used the following python package. All I had to do was print out the checkerboard pattern included in the repository, wave it in front of the camera and record a short video, run the python file, and bam! I had the configuration.yaml file I needed.

To get it working, I did have to make sure I had pyyaml installed
 (venv) nrw@earlgrey:$ sudo -H pip install pyyaml --upgrade

This project is super awesome and included an example you can run right away and inspect. The following line, run in the root takes in the video included in the repo (chessboard.avi) and outputs the resulting configuration file to “calibration.yaml”.

(venv) nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/video2calibration$ ./ example_input/chessboard.avi calibration.yaml --debug-dir out

At this point I printed out the checkboard pattern included in the repository, put it on a stiff surface, and then opened cheese (you don’t have to use cheese, we just need to record a video).

Then I waved my board around in front of the camera and recorded a short video.



Anyhow, I record ten or fifteen seconds of video. Then I ran

nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/video2calibration$ ./ ~/Videos/Webcam/2018-03-26-112657.webm calibration.yaml --debug-dir out

Performing calibration...
 RMS: 0.442700776066
 camera matrix:
 [[ 666.78668352    0.          343.73827809]
 [   0.          665.79103853  227.19081685]
 [   0.            0.            1.        ]]
 distortion coefficients:  [  6.06301194e-02  -1.94620209e-02   1.45555284e-04   1.24410189e-03

Input calibration parameters into source code

Edit into the demo file

nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/apriltags/example$ vi apriltags_demo.cpp

Specifically, we want to change the following section. Note that we are using the definition of the rotation matrix to pull out (from the calibration.yaml output) the focal point and principal point parameters.


  // default constructor
  Demo() :
    // default settiwgs, most can be modified through command line options (see below)
 [...excerpted section...]
    m_tagSize(0.00944), // in meters
    m_fx(667), // in pixels
    m_fy(666), //
    m_px(344), // principal point

Ah! I forgot, we also needed to measure, using a ruler (or calipers), the size of the apriltag in real life. So just measure one of the sides of the tag (which should be square…) and put it inoto m_tagSize. (The width and height should be the size in pixels of the image from the video camera).

Compile and run (use “make clean” if the build fails, then run “make” again)

nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/apriltags/example$ cd ..
nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/apriltags/$ nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/apriltags/example$ make

Then run the program:

nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/apriltags/$ ./build/bin/apriltag_demo

One easy way to double-check whether the camera is roughly calibrated is to physically measure the distance between the camera and the tag, and then compare to the “distance” output in your terminal. Hopefully they match…


The roll, pitch, and yaw are reported in radians. To convert into degrees, multiply by 57.3 (approximately).


A framerate of 17fps or so is totally reasonable, since the apriltags demo is decently compute intensive. I had a problem with lag, where the video ran smoothly but with a significant lag — this may have been a result of me running the entire thing in a virtual machine. Let me know if you don’t have lag!


I had a somewhat frustrating beginning where I couldn’t get the example program to run.

-- Found OpenCV: /opt/ros/lunar (found version "3.3.1")
 framerate (17fps raesonable, but lag???)
 output is in radians
 9.23346 fps
 0 tags detected:
 0 tags detected:
 0 tags detected:
 0 tags detected:
 0 tags detected:
 0 tags detected:
 0 tags detected:
 0 tags detected:
 1 tags detected:
 OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (mtype == type0 || (((((mtype) & ((512 - 1) << 3)) >> 3) + 1) == 1 && ((1 << type0) & fixedDepthMask) != 0)) in create, file /tmp/binarydeb/ros-lunar-opencv3-3.3.1/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 2542
 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
 what():  /tmp/binarydeb/ros-lunar-opencv3-3.3.1/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:2542: error: (-215) mtype == type0 || (((((mtype) & ((512 - 1) << 3)) >> 3) + 1) == 1 && ((1 << type0) & fixedDepthMask) != 0) in function create
Id: 15 (Hamming: 1)Aborted (core dumped)

It turned out that because I had ROS installed, or perhaps also because I installed the “apriltags” ROS wrapper, I was having openCV version conflicts.



nrw@earlgrey:~$ pkg-config --modversion opencv

To solve, I simply had to edit one line in the CMakeLists.txt to force it to use the right version of openCV. I added an “exact required” tag, along with my openCV version (, to the appropriate line.

nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/apriltags$ vi CMakeLists.txt 
(line 14)
find_package(OpenCV EXACT REQUIRED)

Then I ran “make” and

nrw@earlgrey:~/projects/apriltags/$ ./build/bin/apriltag_demo

and the example program worked! Huzzah.

the end.




How to create a timelapse (both timed pictures and post-processed video) live viewable

edit: Note that physically, the set-up is that I have an extra desktop which is always on and connect to the internet which is running Ubuntu (16.04).  I have an external webcam. This also requires a dropbox account.

I’ve often wanted to monitor something remotely, but have had issues in the past trying to set up a video stream. For monitoring experiments remotely (or for instance a 3d printer), I really don’t need 30 frames per second.

I suppose nowadays, in theory I could set up a youtube live stream, especially since I could just disable audio. But for more control over the end result, my solution is a one-liner bash command, combined with a dropbox account.

I was having a terrible time with all my search results describing ways to create a timelapse animation, instead of detailing how to take the pictures for the timelapse in the first place.


use streamer

streamer -c /dev/video1 -t 10 -r 1 -o 0000.jpeg &

The settings for the above command are as follows:

  • Using the “second” camera (ince my desktop has a built-in webcam mapped to /dev/video0, whereas I wanted to take pictures with a USB webcam)
  • 10 frames total
  • 1 frame a second (rate)
  • Name starts at 0000.jpeg (it will automatically count up)
streamer -c /dev/video1 -t 300 -r 0.0033 -s 640x480 -o 0000.jpeg &

i used the first command to test whether the command is working.

  • For the actual timelapse, I wanted to take a picture every 5 minutes, or in other words every (1/360 = 0.0033) seconds. (I don’t think there’s an option to define the rate in anything other than seconds).
  • I wanted about 24 hours of timelapse. At every 5 minutes, I take 12 an hour or 12*24 a day, so around 300 frames
  • Streamer was defaulting to 320×240 pixel images, so I asked streamer to instead take 640×480 pictures, which are what my webcam supports.


Note: I did not really play around with this, but I think you can also create video with streamer, e.g.

streamer -c /dev/video1 -t 0:30 -o movie.avi -f jpeg

installing headless dropbox

Following the online instructions from the dropbox site

cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -
Run the synchronizer

making the timelapse persistent

screen allows our session (within which we are running streamer) to persist, even if someone closes the terminal window.

Screen Basic commands:
screen -r (reattach)
screen -d (inside screen session, to detach)

ctrl-a w (list windows)
ctrl-a 1 (switch to window #1)
ctrl-a c (new window)
exit (close window) — after last window is closed, screen terminates.

Commands to handle background process

For instance, if you messed up your settings and streamer is now taking 300 frames at a rapid rate,
$ ps x | grep streamer
$ sudo killall streamer

Putting it all together

$ nohup ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd&
$ screen
> cd ~/Dropbox
> streamer -c /dev/video1 -t 300 -r 0.0033 -s 640x480 -o 0000.jpeg &

Now, I can access my setup online at I can also use the “share folder using link” option on dropbox to share with multiple people.

Make a QR code

This was purely for fun, but I turned the dropbox link into a QR code which I printed out and stuck next to the experiment



I find it really handy to include labeling information not just in the filenames but also physically in the image. Below you can see I labeled the image with the date of the timelapse.0233

Making a timelapse (animation / video of the resulting images) using ffmpeg

Use ffmpeg.

 cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -r 20 -f image2pipe -i - output.mp4

Takes all jpg files and turns it into an mp4 with 20 frames per second.

I was having a lot of issues following the instructions online, but somehow using the image2pipe solved everything. (I was getting errors like “would you like to overwrite this .jpeg file y/n”).

[~/Downloads/buse/rotate]$ ffmpeg -framerate 1/2 -i *.JPG -c:v libx2^C -r 30
File '0010_rotated.JPG' already exists. Overwrite ? [y/N] nNot overwriting - exiting

One thing that surprised me on this page, is that a common command such as “all images in this folder” is a little trickier than I’d expect. (I was working with another set of images that used timestamps as filenames, instead of an orderly 0001.jpeg like other examples onlin).
1) You must use “glob option”
2) You must surround your search pattern in quotes

 ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i "image-*.png" video.webm

note to self: to rotate all images in a directory 90 degrees clockwise:

for file in ./*.jpg do
 convert "$file" -rotate 90 "${file%.JPG}"_rotated.JPG

There you have it!

Thanks to the one-liner “streamer” command, and by using dropbox as a syncing service. you can accomplish a real-time viewable timelapse with just 4 or 5 lines of code, and then use just one more line to create a video of the resulting images.

$ nohup ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd&
$ screen
> cd ~/Dropbox
> streamer -c /dev/video1 -t 300 -r 0.0033 -s 640x480 -o 0000.jpeg &
 cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -r 20 -f image2pipe -i - output.mp4