Hardware Search Engines

Previously I daydreamed about octopart for meche; turns out I spoke too hastily. There are supplies search engines which exist already, though they’re not as cool as octopart IMHO 🙂 Well, none of them have customer reviews like google shopping anyway.

While hunting for spring suppliers (as opposed to making the springs myself, which may work but I’m not sure), I ran across globalspec and then I used one of those “similar sites” search engines to find several hardware supplier search engines.

In rough order of relevance / how much I liked them:

  • http://www.thomasnet.com/prodsearch.html
    • Search ThomasNet to find manufacturers, distributors and service providers – from Actuators to Zirconium and everything in between.
    • geographical, not just by state but by “within x miles”
    • has whitepaper and some explanations at taxonomic levels — on the K-12 level sort of explanation
  • http://www.globalspec.com/
    • The Engineering Search Engine
    • has a taxonomy of sorts “browse products and suppliers”
    • get “register” nagging :///
    • has geographical locations with maps, so I can search for local suppliers of springs
    • as an “application notes” search, presented as search results (not nicely), and also 1-sentence explanations of things (although has descriptions at a slightly “deeper” level than thomasnet, I feel)
  • http://www.engnetglobal.com/
    • EngNet® … to enable Engineers, Technicians, Tradesmen, etc. to find information and communicate effectively with suppliers in the Engineering Industry. […] provides a searching facility free of charge to users
    • more varied taxonomies / ways to browse (by industries, by engineering discipline, products/services, brandnames)
    • no “extra explanation” details, solely listing
  • http://www.amazon.com/industrial-scientific-supplies/b?ie=UTF8&node=16310091
    • pointed out to me by octopart person brian newbold yay
      • http://www.directindustry.com/ 
        • The Virtual Industrial Exhibition — more 
        • also has taxonomy
        • more of an index of companies
        • no geographical
        • http://www.engineering.com/Products.aspx
          • directory of companies
        • http://www.engineersedge.com/engineering/Products_Directory/
          • ugly interface, no specific search, and too many ads, IMHO
        • http://www.interfacebus.com
          • web 1.0 Text link directly ftw. Taxonomy + search via google. Cleaner than engineers edge (less ads all over the place)
        Engineering reference sites:
        • http://www.efunda.com/home.cfm Efunda
          • eFunda stands for engineering Fundamentals. Its mission is to create an online destination for the engineering community, where working professionals can quickly find concise and reliable information to meet the majority of their daily reference needs.
          • Nicely designed interface and information is cleanly presented 😀 makes me want to nom nom info
        • http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/
        • http://kmoddl.library.cornell.edu/index.php
          • Kinematic models! Oh man, I can look at pretty mechanisms online. <3 delicious.
        • http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/
          • because the awesome. so true, what that “thank-you” video guy said re: Khan’s videos and what advantages videos offer over humans (besides freeing up time for knowledge-bearers to not just lecture but help people one on one):
            • And some of those videos I watched over and over twenty of thirty times until I got it. I don’t think there’s a tutor in the world that I could pay who would repeat the same thing twenty or thirty times without getting at least a little bit judgmental.
          • asdlfkj yes. This, professors, is why — even if it encourages people to be truant — why lectures should be recorded. Guess what? I’m not going to get it the first time. 

        Also, octopart competition? o__o  Sort of.

          • http://www.findchips.com/
            • “Welcome to the original and fastest electronic part finder and chip search engine. FindChips electronic components search engine scours the leading distributors to give you instant inventory levels and pricing around the world.”
            • Well designed, displays key data very cleanly and good for checking component specs, not just sourcing suppliers, but clearly for people who know exactly what they want. Does not provide octopart’s (perhaps amazon inspired?) extremely flexible and awesome search-by-specification that allows you to browse components
          random link dumps:
          http://engineeryourlife.org/ designed to convince girls to be engineers
          spring suppliers, search:
          http://www.hardwareproducts.com/ — MA but rather bad online catalog browsing interface
          http://www.planetspring.com — online spring design calculator, not quite sure how it links to ordering yet, seems to have a weekly or monthly fee? *confused*
          and linking this again b/c I keep forgetting to read it: RFID explained http://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/abs/10.2200/S00040ED1V01Y200602MPC001
          also, a bit late for me, but some electromagnet force calculators
          still need to learn how to use FEMM

          Nyancat cake mold, working PoV [not so yoyo], vending corkscrew test (mod servo for continuous rotation)

          Uhh I’ve been doing a lot of blogging and neglecting my other work, so here is minimalist style ftw.

          nyancake? nyangummi?

          My hall’s thanksgiving (putzgiving, alums come back for this) was two Saturdays ago. I tested out the nyancat cake mold:

          for ease of “parameter optimization” runs, I used even-simpler-cake-recipe: cake mix and sprite as the only ingredients (apparently a dieting trick. comes out fine, although for molds probably want to let bubbles settle for a bit after pouring and before intensive mixing).
          apply release agent, aka cooking spray / pam — otherwise doesn’t come out well. also,  sprite+cakemix mixture should not be too gloopy. add flour if accidentally pour too much sprite.

          many fail results. Here, did not let bake long enough. (much longer than box says — I baked a bit lower temp based on silicone mold research, ~325deg C, and for say 1 or 2 hours)
          demolded too quickly, also did not cover in saran wrap to retain moisture afterward
          nyancake party~! nyan nyan nyan
          probably the best of all my nyancakes. you can see that the minimum mold feature size — the sprinkles — were too small for the resolution of the cake mix and actually resulted in holes.
          speed cooling jello in freezer. recipe used: the lego gummies from instructables
          nyanjello = almost perfect mold replica. you can see the sprinkles are supposed to stand out, as opposed to how the nyancakes turned out. however, more limited / difficult coloring opportunities with jello than with cake (which you can just apply frosting / food coloring to)
          Persistence of Vision Yoyo
          I also figured out the issue with the MAS.863 makefiles causing my weird “compiler” bug (actually, compiler options / makefile bug):

          Class-based makefile includes:
          avr-objcopy -j .text -O ihex ./v0.1.45.out ./v0.1.45.c.hex
          man avr-objcopy
                 -j sectionname
            Copy only the named section from the input file to the output file.
            This option may  be  given more than once.  Note that using this
            option inappropriately may make the output file unusable. >__> <__<
          So the class makefiles should be fixed to include “-j .data”The internet says
          “The makefile above DOES NOT create a proper HEX image and is a bad example. When creating an  image, not only does the text section (which holds the code) need to be included but the data section (which holds any initialized data) also needs to be included.
          The remedy for this is correct .hex rule to to copy the data setion as well
          $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O ihex $(PROJECT).out $(PROJECT).hex

          bmayton: that actually explains a lot of odd bugs that I’ve been seeing with people

          using constant arrays, since the array data is never getting copied into the

          So the actual model of what was causing my bug was, I believe, without calling another function the compiler goes ahead and uses the array to insert the correct commands into the compiled code. But when I used a subfunction, the compiler loads the subfunction which the microcontroller calls, but the ucontroller does not have the array data to look up what to set DDRB and PORTB to.

          Anyway, then I proceeded to hack together terrible!code and get PoV working. I used oloepede’s sample image ‘cos I’m all about the laziest and quickest tests and ‘cos olopede is awesome.

          eheh derp ripped off ISP traces / headers
          works fine waving it by hand (without camera extended exposure time, hard to see entire “olopede” message — can see maybe three letters at a time. dead reckoning PoV timing — no sensors.) 

          Doesn’t do so hot on the drill. Mess with timing? Although I spun it slow and fast (and in-use yoyo spins quite fast). May require sensors (fan pov as seen on dealextreme — product designer has better idea of speed of motor while yoyo has more variable speed. maybe they used hall effect sensors, ‘cos it was resilient to me slowing down the blades.) to get stable image.

          See video:

          Vending machine
          Right, essentially two weeks until final projects due. Aka time to start cramming on vending machine.

          What do I have on hand? Arduino uno, extra servos leftover from when I bought out all the old 2.007 servos., zipties, handheld drill, a corkscrew. Found some rectangular metal thing to act as guiderails lying around MITERS scrap pile. Also found a block of wood lying around the floor.

          Mod a servo  to be
          continuous rotation servo
          (essentially turn it into a cheap RC motor that comes with motor speed controller in a convenient package for mounting) —
          aka remove mechanical stop on gear 

          apply flush cutters to stop on gear

          and remove pot, which like all pots doesn’t turn infinitely — make sure to be gentle ‘cos pot is held in by internal screw, why it doesn’t just fall out normally

          see blurry screw at bottom. Also, I wasn’t gentle and cracked the PCB. Maybe it is inevitable for these servos (motor is soldered onto pcb so not much flexibility there) to get to pot screw. Surprisingly the servo still works…
          stick pot on outside, chew a hole for it in the casing — i abused flush cutters

          see How to Hack a Servo by Daniela Faas http://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/2/sp11/2.007/courseMaterial/topics/topic12/other/Servo_Hack_large/Servo_Hack_large.pdf)

          springs / coils
          Attach to corkscrew (from real vending machine) I bought off of ebay to see what real mass manufactured ones are like so I can make fake ones DIY like http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-your-own-springs-in-seconds/

          Drill out servo horns (1/8” bit fits zipties I found) and attach to corkscrew with zipties

          it vends a block! haha. terrible setup is terrible.

          Video here:

          Yea, not a very interesting proof-of-concept (a “duh are you an idiot” one), but it was very satisfying to me.

          Oh right, I tried to use hot glue to hold the pot in one place, since that affects how the servo reacts to servo.write() (pot adjusts when it goes fwd/reverse) — I just used
          myServo.write(50) with a 0.5 sec delay
          myServo.write(90) with a 3 sec delay
          myServo.write(130) with a 0.5 sec delay
          to calibrate the pot so that servo was completely still at 90. And then attempted to hot glue. a bit flaky– not good enough for long-term banging around but good enough for dirty proto.

          yes, i stole arduino from hexarideablepod. arduino uno with a small breadboard on top and 3 male header pins to connect arduino (Vcc, Gnd, and SIG — arbitrarily pin 2 in my case) and servo. unplugged in this pic.

          Not clear from pics, but to test it I’m holding the servo still with my hand.

          Sensors! Data! (Internet of Things Startups / research)

          A few friends and I are thinking of working on an open source everything [1] project over IAP (January).

          Some research into people working on similar projects:
          Many links from: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3276596
          Twine — Cambridge, MA
          ~$100, automation oriented web app, 3 sensors, wifi connected. (oh hai mit media lab people o.o)

          Be a good egg. Learn More.
          whoa sticker sensors! eeeeee!
          ethernet base station, 250+ feet range, probably in $100+ closer to $200 range
          tedx towatch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evKoXorLhqI
          http://postscapes.com/companies IoT company listings
          http://ifttt.com/wtf software only
          http://java.net/projects/spots/pages/Home older SPOTS, not commercial (educational)
          “small, Java-based, wireless devices developed at Oracle Labs. The SPOTs project is the place on java.net for development of open source code relating to Sun SPOTs. This includes system code, application frameworks, demonstrations, and applications.”
          Rascal — Somerville, MA
          $100+ (close to $200) open source hardware FTW! ^^ From the frontpage:

          How the Rascal works
          Basically takes care of talking to internet, web GUI, and data logging for your arduino-connected sensor

          Can I steal the design? 

          I’m giving you the design, so no, technically you can’t steal it. If you want to make your own version of the Rascal under a different name, or use it in a commercial product, go ahead. Seriously, do it. I’ll never saturate the market for devices like the Rascal, and I’m already working on the next design anyway. asdfjhadf yay oshw

          https://code.google.com/p/pubsubhubbub/ idk what are this. pushing atom/rss updates instead of making scripts constantly poll?
          http://mbed.org/handbook/Tour — makes experimenting with microcontrollers easier
          educational, <$50 range for sensors (requires Arduino, not designed with connecting to Internet in mind?)
          Grove Easy Prototyping Series

          None of the sensor platform-y ones are open source hardware, though. Or designed with the intent of enabling people to modify and extend the sets of sensors. >__> bwahahaha

          Our idea doesn’t actually fall into “internet of things” because (at least initially) we’re aiming for Really Cheap ($10 or less a sensor).

          Thoughts: conflict, we want lots of data so we’re aiming for inexpensive sensor boards and part of the cost-savings is not having wireless capability on each board. But that implies we want people to get lots of sensors (yay more data to crunch and visualize!), which means that’s a lot of data to read manually (will people have the patience? Perhaps it’d be like watering plants — not everyone is cut out for it)

          My hope is that in two weeks, when we get to wireless networks in MAS.863, I will have the magic. See: http://fab.cba.mit.edu/content/tools/circuits/network_transport/

          More on the business-y side:
          nice infographics: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/cisco_50_billion_things_on_the_internet_by_2020.php
          nice graphical overview of IoT idea and potential: http://wwwen.zte.com.cn/endata/magazine/ztetechnologies/2010/no5/articles/201005/t20100510_184418.html

          Economic-y Research Reports
          [1] (everything as in: hardware (schematic to gerber files), possibly our applications for various funds, software (data visualization), firmware (microcontroller code), businessware (using os shopping cart software like prestashop or zencart), research), documenting everything not just the final product — everything we learned and fixed)

          projects blog (nouyang)