click on this to see it full-size. It is an A0 poster template. Here’s my svg source.
Finished my draft poster for 2.671 Measurement and Instrumentation (required communications course for MechE undergrads). Basically, we are given free reign to design and collect data from our own experiment, and we have to present in a Poster Session at the end of the semester (I present next Thursday).
Well, I’m abysmally behind in this class but catching up, and I made this fluffy poster Thursday night – Friday morning. (Fluffy, as in not much content and no math). What follows is an overview of the tools I used, and at the end my poster / my Inkscape svg source file.
My Inkscape file is based on the wonderfulInkscape template I found online. I found it aesthetically pleasing compared to the default 2.671 template. (If you search for “2.671” on Google you’ll find some postersotherclassmates made using the default template).
Actually here’s Eli’s poster, which shows the default powerpoint template scheme if not the exact template:
Data was manually entered. See poster below for what weeks correspond to what levels of caffeine.
this is the MedHelp user interface. GUI is a bit confusing, I like how Fitbit below has a “previous or same day” input option, maybe would have avoided putting all my data in off by one day.
See Actigraphy to understand why I can wear my fitbit on my non-dominant hand during sleep and get a rough idea of my sleep quality (how many times I almost woke up / was in light sleep mode).
Data input user interface
data view – get rough idea of accelerometer data (red = active, blue = not moving / probably asleep).
Google Docs
A preview of my preliminary spreadsheet of sleep data and caffeine intake
left, caffeine input. right, sleep start and stop time tracking (and color-coded time elapsed for my own curiosity)
Scientific Poster in Inkscape
Finally, I made a poster in the wonderful open-source free program Inkscape. More importantly, I used a template I found online.
for ref., he had some complaints (I think TeX built into inkscape now, so outdated complaints) and wanted to switch to Scribus
I also used kuler to pick a color scheme and writer to help me write what I wanted to put on the poster, esp. since Inkscape started responding really slowly to my typing text so it was much faster to type it elsewhere and ctrl-c ctrl-v into the Inkscape text box. And GIMP to clean images I’d found online (two for fitbit) and I found the coffee cup on openclipart . The images sources aren’t cited yet, I had a crunch deadline for the draft poster and just turned it in anyway.
Here’s a preview of my draft poster (and a perhaps helpful flowchart of things): entirely based on the example poster I found online. Thanks a bunch to airlich.
click on this to see it full-size. It is an A0 poster template.
However, prior to the release of the Fitbit API, the developer Eric Blue published a hack in perl that scrapes data from your Fitbit profile page — turns out that the Flash charts they display are powered by an XML feed with significantly more resolution than what is offered via the API. Based on this discovery, I wrote a python script that pulls the granular data.
[Edit: 15 May 2012: I came to my senses and realized I don’t actually want to be homeless this summer, and am now looking for an apartment next to a makerspace like a normal person.]
this post is a work in progress, last updated 18 April 2012.
well I’m working for fitbit (yay wireless shiny / internet of things) and they gave me an offset for housing but then I realized I’d much rather spend that offset on cool classes and project materials than housing
it’s a no-brainer for me ^__^ if your brain is on a different frequency see:
Also, again, I would much rather dump 2k into a makerspace or some worthy cause rather then spend $2000 on something I will rarely use just to “fit in.” I want to live and breathe making things. The second choice would be to find a [free] camp-able place near these spaces (dump the $2k into classes and materials), but I don’t think I’m that hardcore yet.
— email I sent, date: Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 5:00 PM || subject: Re: Live-in makers’ space in SF? Re: SF digs
-1. summary of findings
(you can also skip to the very bottom of this blog post to see my current plans)
From Nancy Ouyang on Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 4:07 AM
I am looking for summer accommodations as well. I am able to afford a reasonable flatshare, and Ted and Guilia and I are looking for apartments (possibly not all of us together). Specifically, I myself would much prefer to pay for [project storage + knowledge acquisition + tools access + after-work maker community] than [human storage]. Are there “art” or “maker” or “shop” spaces that would be okay with me crashing there for three months? I’m willing to pay as much as for a flatshare (3k or 4k over 12 weeks). I have ruled out American Steel Studios and the Crucible due to Oakland shootingshotspot research (they are not officially live-in either and thus likely are not lively after work hours). I believe Noisebridge does not welcome this, and have not yet called NIMBY. Obviously the Tech Shop is not an option. My requirements (“human-livable”)
approximately zero inertia between waking up and making things (or at least talking to interesting people)
My preferences (“MITERS … in San Francisco”)
in San Francisco
has large mill, esp. cnc mill+lathe, welding, other heavy machinery, lasercutter awesome
community of people making things after 5pm
also has EE (high voltage community)
I am fine with making my own foldable bed or pile of blankets and paying for daily showers at a 24-hr gym or making a bucket shower garden or whatever if that’s the optimal solution. Obviously, I have no problem falling asleep anywhere.
Now I will go into more detail.
Here is the progression of my summer plans
initial estimated search constraints
work (625 market street)
makerspace (unknown)
Therefore my initial step was
0. ask future work people & current maker friends about prototyping resources in San Francisco
I am curious as to the existence and/or extent of use of hardware prototyping equipment (3d printers, small cnc mills for pcbs), or if anyone knows of / goes to places where people build larger things (makerspaces, places with welding equipment, [tesla] coiling meetups).
and got the answer Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:02 PM ||
There’s a hackerspace in SF that’s just a short hop away on BART ( and a placed called Tech Shop that’s within walking distance of the office ( The Tech Shop is equipped with programmable mills, 3D printers, welding gear, soldering stations, etc. I think the Berkeley public library has a pretty good power tool library that you can check out things like drills from. UC Berkeley and Stanford might have some sort of educational workspace that as a student you could get access to (though that’s just a guess
Further, I emailed out to the general MITERS mailing list.
Pranjal Vachaspati had this to say Date: Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 9:18 PM
Check out Noisebridge, they certainly are one of the biggest hackerspaces, and they have a reasonable selection of equipment, as well as people working on pretty much any DIY project you can think of (not just electronics/meche, they have a lot of people hacking food stuff as well, for example). The community there is certainly very… interesting, they have a somewhat anarchist ethic of radical inclusion that has both positive and negative consequences (e.g. can you kick someone out if they seem to be homeless and just using the space as a place to sleep?). If you’re working somewhere and planning to use their equipment, you should be aware of intellectual property considerations; you probably have to sign an IP agreement that states that stuff you make on their time and with their equipment belongs to them. So this might be a problem unless you have explicit permission to open-source it or whatever.
Furthermore, From: Dane Kouttron Date: Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 9:47 PM
Techshop has a boatload of stuff. I’ve heard good things from comrades who used the workshops. […] the cost for a month or two of membership (99$/mo)
I was also recommended to check out allpowerlabs, NIMBY, Cataclysmic Megashear Ranch by Bilal Ghalib.
Robert Han said about Noisebridge Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:48 PM
Nice place with a lot of basic EE tools and some makerbots (not for public use). They recently amended their policy to kick-out homeless people (but still have some less sane elements of society through)
and about techshop
Seconded TechShop, there is one in SF in Soma. Based on what I have heard, it might be more like edgerton machine shop than miters, well equipped machine shop but less of a hangout place. They do host meetups, when everyone is welcome without paying an entry fee. Note; they are for profit, hence actually care about sneaking in
and recommended
Couple other places are
Ace Monster Toys in Oakland – : sort of a good balance between noisebridge and techshop, with a nicer guest policy(free visits but eventual membership) and more sociable. they have as much tools as miters does plus a laser cutter
Hacker Dojo,, never been there but heard it’s more like noisebridge but in Mountain view
Chris chimed in Chris Merrill Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 12:57 AM
Techshop (all of their locations) has a large area with tables and a lounge-ish area for hanging out. Generally people are pretty cool if you want to talk about what they are working on, but the density of people is pretty small because the entire shop is huge. They have limited hours (close at about ~11:30). SF and SJ tend to have nicer and cooler tools, but the Menlo Park staff are friendlier :). The Menlo Park location also has lots of random junk you can grab lined up on a wall. Got myself a few nice pieces of scrap from there. TechShop also tends to require paid training for using most of their interesting tools, which really frustrated me a lot of the time.
Hacker Dojo has a much smaller selection of tools — they’re primarily focused on having space and meeting rooms to let people hack on startups and software projects. They have a bunch of the basic electronics tools, a cnc mini-mill, a 3d-printer that sometimes works, etc. They have a pretty flexible stop-by-and-hang-out-and-pay-if-you-actually-want-to-use-it policy. If you decide to become a member, after a month (or two, I forget) they give you an RFID card that gives you 24-hour access. The environment here is much more active during the normal work day, and dies down later except when events are running.
Okayyyyy so there’s like a million possibilities all not quite what I want.
1. stay in a hostel
(because it might be fun) I said in an email on Date: Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 1:02 PM
Has anyone investigated staying at a hostel during their summer internship? It seems like hostels tend to be conveniently located and offer a good fuss:cost ratio, and have the perk of meeting random people I probably wouldn’t meet otherwise. |
[… later on zephyr] It’s much lesshassle to get the same f(price, nearness to BART, nearness to powertools) result
people on zephyr said
seph Thu Mar 29 13:11:25 2012
hostels don’t usually feel like good places to leave stuffunattended. Which is fine for lightweight travel, but Iwouldn’t want to live in one for a month
erinp Time: Thu Mar 29 13:20:31 2012
I really love hostels. That said, it’s not muchcheaper than a shared apartment, and you have a rotating group ofroommates who are completely unknown to you. And noise levels can behigh (especially for hostels with good locations), which can be aproblem if you’re trying to work full time. […] Some hostels have safes, and you can keep a backpack of valuableswith you. (computer, camera, phone…) But yes, for long-term, itgets annoying.
oh yea also Marie McGraw Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 3:30 PM
I’m not super familiar with this but based on my summer experiences, I think that for the long term, the privacy and amenities of an actual apartment are worth it–private bathrooms, less worries about your stuff getting stolen, more space, (probably) a kitchen…also, living out of a suitcase is pretty depressing, at least to me.
oh then Stanislav Nikolov Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 6:00 PM
Occasionally, there are posts on craigslist about rooms in warehouse-type makerspaces, so keep an eye out for that. Or perhaps googling around will uncover some of them and you can contact them directly. Good luck!
2. find a flat to share with friends near a makerspace and the BART station (for work commute), or within biking distance of work (625 market st)
criteria: don’t care about privacy (roommates fine) prefer <30 min commute if I can’t nap (biking, standing on a bus) prefer <1 hr commute if I can (train, sitting on a bus) bonus: situated close to cheap eats or community of makers
Cathy Wu Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 1:16 PM
I don’t know about hostels in SF, but as a side note, you should check padmapper’s crime feature to avoid living in some of the more crime-ridden areas. The Tenderloin (near 400 Market St), for example, is an area to avoid. […] Point is, if you’re willing to live a bit farther from the heart of SF, it’s possible to pay well under $1000.
really awesome site > Show Super-Secret Advanced Features > Mass Transit Overlay: (in select cities), SpotCrime Crime Overlay: (in select cities)
Eventually I decided Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 6:03 PM
Nevermind guys! New plan, convince either thecrucible, american steel studios, or nimby that I’m an artist and they should make an exception to “work-only” studio policy ^__^ Seriously, if they’re willing to give me space, there is zero reason why I should be going back and forth from a third space (apartment). Collapse apartment into makerspace = win. Although.. building is a buffet of larceny and even armed robbery of an artists while in his very own studio within the building. If you are a single female, work late at night, or have anything of value in your studio you are INSANE to rent there unless you are just as dangerous as the armed addicts that scale studio walls for your possessions or install barbed wire around your space (as some have done). Unless you create giant art that two dudes can’t hump to recycling, you could be next.
Maybeee not American Steel Studios. idk Then find a swimming pool / fitness thing close to work and go swimming every day before work, wheee! What is it, lifetime fitness? ?__?
Thus, I decided to investigate the option of…
3. accidentally fall asleep at an amenable makerspace everyday
To explain my thought process:
Class: help Instance: housing Time: Fri Mar 30 06:29:20 2012 From: So, new plan. Any thoughts on just living in some art studio ala thecrucible (, pics at bottom),and finding some swimming pool near work for daily pre-work swims? Possibly with my name nominally on some friends’ aptmt or something, but based on last summer half the time I’ll fall asleep at the shopanyway u.u so my rent would be a waste of money that could be going toward projects. And if I really need a break I can visit some friend in the area for a night or two.
cue extensive research into every space I can find.
Renters have access to the private studio area 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. This includes access to bathrooms & shop sink. Please use entrance in the gated parking lot.
and the Fire and Arts Festival / Fundraiser looks like this:
I WAS SO EXCITED. but I think they rented the the tesla coil :'(
But uh, it turns out there’s a lot of shootings there.
I eventually decided it was not an acceptable level of risk / I did not rank experiencing getting shot high on my life priorities list (mostly due slim risk yet absolutely unacceptable death/maiming outcome).
A: Our hours of operation are 9 AM to Midnight, 7 days a week!
Storage for members’ small and large projects is available for an extra charge. A limited number of Private Workshop rooms are also available to members for rental by the month or year.
Please ask the friendly front desk staff for pricing and availability of storage and private workshop rooms.
SF techshop
8ft x 11ft cages, 300 without membership, 400 with membership / month.
location: 2169 Mission St, San Francisco
BART: 4 minutes from 16th street mission
$1.75 to noisebridge(3 stops / 5 minutes) from work, or bike there
location: 8410 Amelia Street Oakland, CA 94621
BART: Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART, 20 minutes walk to station, $3.80 21 mins 5 stops from work
Contact Michael Snook, 510-633-0506
do-it-yourself industrial art space
NIMBY has been the largest workspace/gallery of its kind in the City of Oakland and continues to provide a workspace, storage and display area – a one-stop shop for big, innovative art.
american steel studios
location: 1960 Mandela Parkway Oakland, CA 94607
contact: 510.776.7694
BART: West Oakland BART 15 minutes walk to station, 8 mins / 2 stops to work (53 mins by bike / 26 mins by BART transit)
A six acre community in two adjacent yet distinctly different warehouses. 2006 to provide affordable space in which artists and entrepreneurs can create and inspire.
from yelp:
Bathrooms: 3 non-gendered rooms with toilets and various other random things. No guarantee that one or any of them will have toilet paper. No shower facilities (to discourage people from living here).
My studio has been broken into three times in just over a year. Every time, I get the same response: “Sorry about that, but we are not responsible, protect yourself”.
have lasercutter, cnc mill (also see Dane’s comments above). about membership
Start giving us membership dues: standard rate is $80/month. In addition, there is the “Desk Membership”, for $250/month you can have a dedicated personal desk that will always be available for just you to use.You are now a “provisional member”, with access to the space, including an RFID key so you can work/play whenever you want.
eee! There’s a Desk Membership… hmm… *plots*
of relevance to me:
code for america
155 9th Street
San Francisco, CA
some workspaces (no sleep)
robot Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 11:52 AM
Otherlab, allpowerlab, makanipower,instructables resemble miters Boxshop in sf may Suit you, place for sustainable living inOakland, Peter Childs incubator in the old prototype thiswarehouse on treasure island
okay, this is getting frustrating / annoying.
4. build a mobile home
robot Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 11:52 AM
SF City won’t care about vehicle dwelling, but the metermaids will want your shack to have a license plate.
*sigh* If this were on google plus I could just link to it and it wouldn’t class with my color scheme, but because it’s on facebook I will copy paste this below:
Beijing’s architecture is a scene of extremes: on one end are Rem Koolhaas’s multibillion-dollar structures; on the other, Dai Haifei’s $964 sleep-pod — which the 24-year-old architect built because he couldn’t even afford to live in the city he helps shape. [Image via Getty, for use by Co.Design]H…
This is the current plan as of 17 April 2012: have a “home base” so I can pretend I’m not homeless.
boat: $210 for 6 months captains’ share
gym: $50 per month
Subtotal: $260
possibly ace monster toys desk membership: $250 per month
Total: $1010
Hmm, that is to say, have yacht option as “plan zero” and the gym membership for sure. Then go to ace monster toys once I’m in San Francisco in person and see if they are amenable to me sleeping under a desk there (once they realize I’m a friendly, sane, and hygienic person), and if so buy desk membership.
The $750 would mean… well actually I have 3k to 4k offset for housing for the entire summer, so I should be happy regardless. But in terms of classes $750 would be equivalent to not taking 1/3rd of the TheCrucible classes I’d planned to.
appendix the crucible classes to take
glass flameworking 360 fusing and slumping 225 blowing 600 jewelry and metals 320 welded sculpture 355 tig welding 385 3d enameling 145
my “blurb”
I live and breath making things. I want to go to sleep the sound of people working on projects, not the sound of barking dogs, I want to stay up until 2 am learning how other people make things, I want 24×7 access to oscilloscopes and power supplies and if not welding equipment at least drills and small cnc mills. I don’t want to worry about when public transportation stops, I don’t want to worry about where to store my project, I don’t want to worry about whether I will wake up my neighbors.
quick feedback — get mvp out within weeks of idea, can see things not see in lab — fit into daily life, creative uses of app
mvp should address specific question or test experience
social groups — if it’s social app, make sure alpha users are friends public betas — can have feedback button but this mvp proto — usu friends sending emails people do not accurately report how often they do things — instrumentation is important –VCs look for number engagements, number of mins of engagements per day. and for our own understanding.
can have voicemail daily or weekly depending on length of study.
talk to them as quickly after use as possible
for story finding, call researchers right after find story, and parents call after get comms with children
if creating content, use content analysis
processing data — affinity analysis, statistical analysis if lots of data
good example: civic content — about cities and governments: what was style of story telling, how long ago story occurred.
instrumentation and app analytics – features used or not (if not exposed to user) — see problem and then use qualitative method to understand why problem exists
power of combining = what and why people use system
facebook analytics team blog is very interesting. google is famous for this a/b testing.
this is a whole career. sifting patterns out of data.
einmann (sp?) elctures are very interesting.
contextual inquiry — h&r may be most relevant to this, where they watched people do taxes — improved online tax system to be more helpful. think aloud = can learn what people are thinking at the moment.
Experience Sampling Methods how does all of britain spend their time? ?__? and how it changes over time (watch tv, read books). used to call people so have data for 50s, 60s (time on domestic acctivities has completely plummeted thanks to dishwashers etc). also studied location privacy / location fidelity –> learned likely no algorithm will solve this (e.g. buying a surprise gift etc.)
would people lie about locat? no usu. just say busy.
regardless should prolly always do semi-structured interviews to understand where data comes from. vs structured have set list of questions use specifics, not generalities
robust multicast for new updates — sent repeatedly wifi access points –> drilling stadium walls to run wires enterprise class phone — okay to drop on floor etc. researchesr were the ones producing the updates controlled access area — so can get phones back initially thinking rental where people can rent phones during game other researchers watch people using it after goal, during midtime, after game = spikes in use final cut pro -> cannot handle four goals in last ten minutes (fans expect <30sec latency) ^– focus on that. want different angles, commentary
created app now 5 secs to edit, <30 secs to user. === 2005-06 data plans not common made sure people recruited had unlimited texting reading contact dbase hard back then big battery vs. writing algorithm to optimize energy use to users mental model -> wrong, locations versus large locations get broad group as possible (altho may be difficult for this class) but for hci paper publishing corporate research lab -> if paying them, they may be very positive to you, and talk about it to friends is much more telling === hours-long prototype send text messages when people play song – init and artist/song recruited close friends with diverse music tastes (they primarily play music on desktop at time) yep primary devices
depend on country whether require payment as a corporation — can just be pizza tell them –> getting paid no matter what, use it like any other app you downloada
spacehold, the plan: daily email manual log, vs instrumentation of android (tech accuracy) location sharing experience — prefrosh at CPW (ask them to email us / survey those who come to build party)